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Morrison High School

We are Wildcats! We Want More!

MS/HS Food Drive Challenge and Possible Early Release on Nov. 22

Posted Date: 11/12/24 (9:39 PM)

  • Over the next two school weeks, JH & HS will host the annual canned food drive! We aim to collect 3,000 canned goods that will be donated directly to our Morrison Food Pantry, benefitting our local community. Canned vegetables, fruits, soups, meats, sauces, beans, etc. are requested. Students, parents, school staff, and community members are invited to participate in this wonderful cause! Donations may be brought to the high school office, or students may bring them to school. Teachers may offer class incentives for donations, and we will award the grade level that contributes the most items. While we do it for the impact and not the incentives, if we successfully reach our goal of 3,000 canned goods, the JH/HS will earn an early release from school following our Career Day on Friday, November 22nd, to kick off Thanksgiving Break! 
  • If JH/HS goal is met they will get to release at 1:38 on Friday, November 22.